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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-8-18 16:00:17  點擊:3694
瀝青罐及加熱設備的選用 瀝青儲罐和瀝青高溫罐的選用必須滿足瀝青混凝土攪拌設備連續生產的需要,瀝青罐還要避免投資過大,造成浪費,增加成本。應根據瀝青耗量腋地量合理確定。瀝青儲存總量確定后,瀝青罐數量及大小的選用原則是:適合拌和場地布置和安裝;瀝青高溫罐生產能力應滿足攪拌設備連續生產的需要;加熱設備同時加熱瀝青量越少越好;制造與檢修方便。漣水縣公路管理站QLB1000型瀝青混凝土攪拌系統選用了容量50t的橢圓臥式瀝青罐兩只,單只罐體表面積30m2.導熱油加熱設備通常根據加熱設備同時加熱。保溫瀝青的質量及瀝青罐體尺寸等選定。(圖/文
Choose asphalt tank and heating equipment of high temperature asphalt tank asphalt storage tank and selection of asphalt concrete mixing equipment must meet the need of continuous production, but also to avoid the investment is too large, resulting in waste, increase the cost of. According to the asphalt consumption to reasonably determine axillary. Asphalt storage amount, asphalt tank number and size selection principle is: for mixing site layout and installation; high temperature asphalt tank capacity should meet the mixing equipment for continuous production needs; heating equipment and heating asphalt amount less the better; manufacturing and convenient maintenance. Lianshui County Highway Management Station QLB1000 type asphalt concrete mixing system with capacity of 50t oval horizontal asphalt tank two, one tank body surface area 30m 2. Heat conducting oil heating equipment heating equipment and heating is usually based on. Heat insulation asphalt and asphalt tank size selected quality.
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