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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-8-17 16:13:40  點擊:3220

The wind wheel rotational speed was significantly reduced wind speed was significantly reduced in the phenomenon, generally more intuitive. That is when the wind wheel wind a bad start, running speed to go up not to go, especially the rated wind speed, wind speed is not up to the rated speed. The wind wheel rotational speed was significantly reduced and the cause analysis. Variable pitch wind turbine generator after the speed is not reset, bearing damage, contracting brake wind wheel brake band and the brake disc friction is too large, the wind wheel blade deformation elimination method. The wind wheel blade deformation or variable pitch blades without reduction, are examined to adjust or replace the wind wheel blade, contracting brake type, should be checked for adjusting brake clearance, and the wind wheel to operate freely, if the generator bearing damage, you should replace the new axis energy storage battery use and maintenance of small type wind power generator can generate electric power by the battery for the electric device using. The scientific, rational use and maintenance of storage battery, give full play to use efficiency, prolong life, is the use of wind power generator technology. Can say, small wind turbines use is concentrated in the battery. Therefore, the battery use and maintenance to must cause height to take seriously.

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