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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-8-15 16:27:22  點擊:3067

近日,章貢區工商局水南分局查封了一個藏身在居民區的柴油罐,9噸的柴油罐被及時移離居民區。 藏身在居民區的柴油罐位于贛州市客家大道16號一個45平方米的小店中,店里左邊擺放著長城等潤滑油瓶子,右邊放著10余個油桶,店門口擺著一臺磅秤。昨天中午11點左右,邗江市政公司內一柴油罐的輸油管突然起火,大火直逼柴油罐,幸好三名員工及時救火,才沒有釀成大禍。 在邗江市政公司內擺放著一柴油罐,一根管子連接著油罐和加油機,不知道是什么原因,昨天管子壞了,柴油從管子里冒了出來。(圖/文
Recently, the trade and Industry Bureau South District Branch seized a hiding place in the neighbourhood of diesel oil tank, 9 tons of diesel oil tank was promptly removed from the residential area. Hiding in the neighbourhood of the diesel oil tank is located in the city of Ganzhou Hakka Avenue No. 16, a 45 square meters of shops, the shop on the left are the Great Wall lubricating oil bottle, right put more than 10 barrels of oil, inn doorway stood a scale. Around 11 noon yesterday, the Municipal Corporation a diesel tank oil pipe suddenly caught fire, fire to the diesel tanks, but three employees timely fire, did not lead to a disaster. In the Municipal Corporation placed a diesel tank, a tube is connected to a tank and the dispenser, don't know what the reason is, yesterday of a broken pipe, diesel is escaping from the pipe out.


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