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發(fā)布者:admin  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2012-8-13 16:05:48  點(diǎn)擊:3124
The principle of the invention is through the design of a synchronous and reverse operation to achieve a wind wheel. The establishment of double wind wheel structure for a vertical shaft type and the extending shaft blade the direct use of the wind force rotating work such as horizontal axis type wind wheel to provide a broad development space: the technology through mutual reverse double close to install, make double to the lateral blades are downwind work, at the same time caught wind of thrust and pressure as the rotary force and additive; double to inner blade to overcome upwind resistance finish turning and resetting; and rely on two inner side relative to rotate in the same direction, can use this relatively consistent direction perturbation pressure and airflow to push each other to drive; in two rounds of blade rotation to the upwind side, and through the respective impeller the wind blew alternately distribution overlay on two lateral, which adds to the two lateral wind. This not only actively reducing the wind wheel reduction power consumption, and more active use of wind design, makes the two synchronous operation of output force, can be far more than two independent vertical or horizontal axis wind turbine output power and.
主站蜘蛛池模板: 扬州市| 灵丘县| 四会市| 大宁县| 穆棱市| 永清县| 桓台县| 泗水县| 友谊县| 江西省| 宣恩县| 威信县| 达州市| 金华市| 阳东县| 汝城县| 璧山县| 东阿县| 辛集市| 宣威市| 华阴市| 峨山| 济阳县| 通山县| 白沙| 馆陶县| 河曲县| 德安县| 二手房| 永新县| 丘北县| 南木林县| 甘南县| 怀仁县| 江口县| 万荣县| 台南县| 会理县| 金沙县| 抚顺县| 渭南市|