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發(fā)布者:admin  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2012-8-10 16:05:34  點(diǎn)擊:3603

Water efficient degreasing cleaning agent using a variety of alkali lotion and efficient active agent is mixed into science. On the animal and vegetable fats and oils and mineral oil, emulsion, with infiltration of lax, cleaning effect. Often the use of organic solvents ( such as gasoline ) and general solution degreasing cleaning agent can only be removed usually metal outside of grease, and against cleaning diesel tank mixed dirt such as grease, scale, scale iron coke iron scale, asphalt scales, oil coke iron scale, are still not completely clear. The water base cleaning agent cleaning diesel oil removal tank has obtained good degreasing cleaning achievement. This in addition to grease cleaning agent on the corrosion of steel and other metal with inspiration, with the steel and other metal components conjugates protective layer, without oil after cleaning pre membrane or passivation, in degreasing cleaning, equipped with, carbon steel, copper, stainless steel tank and its assembly of different materials without corrosion. Use of simple, safe and reliable. Use: water-based efficient degreasing cleaning agent is mainly used for metal equipment outside the oil tank cleaning and condensate oil, colloid, paraffin, is to remove the oil tank steel surface oils, quality coke, asphalt, oil coke fouling effective oil tank oil cleaning agent. Application method: according to the facility or storage tank water, water-based cleaning agent for removing oil from water stirring solidification, radiation away or transmigration cleaning, degreasing cleaning agent for heavy oil scale increase ratio. Dosing away during heating up to 60-90 degrees C, oil removal results. Equipment and oil after cleaning to the fragmentary water scouring replacement can be.

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