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發(fā)布者:admin  發(fā)布時間:2012-8-3 16:15:52  點(diǎn)擊:3134
暴雨后汽油罐“破土而出” 9月2日下午,全椒縣突降大暴雨。古河鎮(zhèn)一加油站地勢低洼,大量積水雨水涌向加油站。加油站*處積水超過1米。 當(dāng)晚20時許,加油站值班人員突然聽到一陣金屬罐體碰撞的響聲,急忙跑出來一看,原來埋在地下的一個汽油儲油臥罐已破土而出,正浮在水面上左右搖晃。大火發(fā)生后現(xiàn)場有過爆炸,但具體情況還得進(jìn)一步了解。而讓他們感到驚訝的是,離大火現(xiàn)場不到10米遠(yuǎn)處存放著兩個汽油罐,每個汽油罐能存油200立方。至于每個汽油罐內(nèi)到底還有多少汽油,他們不得而知。 這位負(fù)責(zé)人認(rèn)為,廣石化多次漏油起火的原因,估計(jì)還跟設(shè)備方面的問題有關(guān)。(圖/文
Gasoline tank after the storm " break through " the afternoon of September 2nd, a sudden rainstorm in Quanjiao county. Ancient river town gas station low-lying, water rainwater into the gas station. Gas station and the lowest water more than 1 meters. That evening 20 when make, gas station attendant suddenly heard a metal tank body collision noise, hurried out to look, the original buried a gasoline storage tanks have emerged, it floats on the surface of roll. After the fire scene had exploded, but specific cases have further understanding. But to their surprise, away from the fire scene was less than 10 meters for two gasoline tank, each tank can save 200 cubic meters of gas oil. As each gasoline tank how much petrol, they can make nothing of it. The responsible person think, wide petrifaction repeated leakage cause of the fire, estimation and equipment issues.
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