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發(fā)布者:admin  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2012-8-2 16:19:17  點(diǎn)擊:3096
Water efficient degreasing cleaning agent using a variety of alkali lotion and efficient active agent is mixed into science. The animal oil and mineral oil, emulsion, contact with soak, rinse persuaded. Commonly used organic solvents ( such as gasoline ) and common alkali degreasing cleaning agent can only remove general metal contour of grease, and to clean diesel tanks dissimilatory dirt such as grease, scale, scale iron coke iron scale, asphalt scales, oil coke iron scale, are not completely clear. The water base cleaning agent degreasing cleaning diesel tank has been a good degreasing cleaning results. In the grease stain cleaning agent on the corrosion of steel and other metal with inspiration, with the steel and other metal components combination protection layer, without oil after cleaning pre membrane or passivation, in degreasing cleaning equipment, tanks, carbon steel, copper, stainless steel and its composite materials of different anaerobic. Operation is concise, safe and reliable.
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