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發(fā)布者:admin  發(fā)布時間:2012-7-31 16:11:38  點擊:3056

Wind power is a more mature technology, most of the commercial potential of new energy sources. At present, China has entered a stage of large-scale exploitation, at the end of 2010 more than the United States, to become the world's first wind power installed power. But in our country, the technology of wind turbine was poor, the domestic wind turbines approximately 80% of the wind turbine, there are unable to realize the low voltage ride-through, difficult to meet the requirements of the grid. Low voltage ride-through and zero voltage crossing is the core technology of wind power equipment, is to determine the wind turbine can be safely combined key indicators. Low voltage ride-through, as in the power grid this freeway, running in the wind flow fluctuations or encounter highway barricade, chose not to pull over quickly, caused traffic chaos, but open up a narrow channel, in order to ensure the effective traffic highway.


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