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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-7-28 15:50:23  點擊:3264

2日晚10時多,市消防大隊突然接到報警,有一個貯存柴油罐的倉庫起火。 火災地點是經濟開發區一企業。只見在一間20平方米左右的庫房內,存放著1只柴油罐體,整座鐵皮房已火光沖天,火苗不停往外躥,濃煙從房間的各個縫隙排出,倉庫外的雜草已被引燃。如不及時將大火撲滅,一旦罐體溫度過高發生爆炸現場強烈的濃煙嗆得人睜不開眼,肆虐的火苗從柴油罐蔓延,極有可能發生爆炸。為確保工廠人員的安全和控制火勢的蔓延造成不必要的損失,民警和救援人員一起冒著生命危險沖入廠區將50余名工人順利疏散到安全地帶,并設置警戒線,疏散圍觀人員和往來車輛。17時30分,消防車順利到達現場。(圖/文
 2 days of late 10 when much, city fire brigade received a sudden alarm, a diesel oil tank storage warehouse fire. The location of the fire is economic development zone enterprises. Only in a 20 square meters warehouse, storing 1 diesel tank, a metal housing has fire, fire does not stop to jump up, smoke from the room each gap discharge, the warehouse has been ignited weeds. If not promptly put out wildfires, once the tank temperature explosion field strong smoke choked blinding, raging flames spreading from diesel tank, is likely to explode. In order to ensure the plant personnel safety and control the spread of fire to cause unnecessary losses, police and rescue workers together risked his life into the plant will be more than 50 workers successfully evacuated to safe areas, and set up a cordon, evacuation crowd and traffic. Seventeen thirty, fire engines arrived the scene.

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