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發(fā)布者:admin  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2012-7-27 16:01:25  點(diǎn)擊:3452
25日,山東東營(yíng)一位工人在清理瀝青罐時(shí)不慎掉到了里面,難聞異味讓他缺氧暈倒。消防官兵經(jīng)過(guò)20分鐘的救援,成功將暈倒的工人從罐內(nèi)救出。東營(yíng)區(qū)消防黃河中隊(duì)接到指揮中心的調(diào)度命令:位于西五路與南一路路口向南1000米處一人被困車(chē)載瀝青罐內(nèi)加工廠瀝青罐起火消防員40分鐘撲救 本報(bào)訊(記者 李丹 劉有中)2月29日上午,西固區(qū)深溝橋一加工廠內(nèi)一提煉防水材料的瀝青罐著火,火勢(shì)極為猛烈,并迅速蔓延至房頂。西固消防中隊(duì)接到報(bào)警后,立即出動(dòng)兩臺(tái)泡沫消防車(chē)、10名消防官兵趕赴現(xiàn)場(chǎng)。經(jīng)消防官兵40分鐘的撲救,大火被成功撲滅。(圖/文
In 25, Shandong a Dongying workers in the cleaning tank when accidentally fall into the inside, foul smell let him hypoxia. Fire officers and men after 20 minutes of rescue, success will faint workers rescued from tank. Dongying District of the Yellow River squadron fire command center scheduling command: West five road and South Road intersection south 1000 meters one trapped vehicle asphalt tank processing plant asphalt tank fire firefighters 40 minutes fighting the newspaper news ( reporter Li Dan Liu Youzhong ) on February 29th morning, Xigu District ditch bridge processing plant, a refined waterproof material asphalt tank fire, the fire is very violent, and quickly spread to the roof. West received a squadron of fire alarm, immediately dispatched two foam fire truck, 10 fire officers and soldiers rushed to the scene. The fire officers and soldiers for 40 minutes of fighting, the fire was successfully extinguished.
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