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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-7-21 15:37:11  點擊:2865

風力變小是電機那塊繞組有斷路的地方造成的,無錫風力風機制造有限公司電阻絲發出熱量不能及時排除,所以很燙 ...可能軸承松動了,使轉子碰殼,這樣的話就要拆開換軸承了 無動力風機是利用自然界的自然風速推動風機的渦輪旋轉及室內外空氣對流的原理,將任何平行方向的空氣流動,加速并轉變為由下而上垂直的空氣流動,以提高室內通風換氣效果的一種裝置。該風機不用電,無躁音,可長期運轉。其根據空氣自  無動力風機然規律和氣流流動原理,合理化設置在屋面的頂部,能迅速排出室內的熱氣和污濁氣體,改善室內環境。渦輪通風機是利用自然風力及室內外溫度差造成的空氣熱對流,推動渦輪旋轉從而利用離心力和負壓效應將室內不新鮮的熱空氣排出。(圖/文
The wind is smaller that block motor windings are open circuit where it caused, the resistance wire heating can not be eliminated in time, so it is very hot... May loose bearing, so that the rotor shell, it will open for bearing unpowered fan is to use natural wind driven fan rotation of the turbine and interior external air convection principles, will either parallel to the direction of the air flow from bottom to top, accelerate and change the vertical air flow, so as to improve the indoor ventilation effect of a device. The fan is not electricity, no noise, long term operation. Based on the air since no fan power natural laws and air flow principle, reasonable positioned on the roof top, can quickly discharge the indoor hot and dirty gas, improve indoor environment. Turbine fan is to use natural wind and indoor and outdoor temperature difference caused by air convection, pushes the turbine to rotate thereby utilizing the centrifugal force and the negative effect of indoor fresh hot air exhaust.

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