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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-7-19 16:06:04  點擊:2924
承擔安裝的九江石化油品罐區3000m3柴油罐405罐更新改造工程施工日前進展順利。柴油罐他們連續1個多月加班施工,確保罐體焊接質量和進度,為柴油罐盡快竣工投用贏得時間。目前,該公司員工正在進行罐體第5圈壁板組對焊接。該工程預計于5月底完成罐體安裝,具備投用條件。筆者趕到現場時還有很濃的煤氣味,該市城管執法、消防、交警等人員趕到現場并拉起了警戒線。 令調查人員吃驚的是,爆炸點下面竟然有一只很大的柴油儲罐,爆炸就是從該柴油罐口發生的。 該柴油罐業主是附近某賓館。(圖/文
Assume the installation of Jiujiang petrochemical oil tank diesel oil tank405 cans3000m3renovation project construction has proceeded smoothly. They continuously for more than 1 months work construction, ensure the welding quality and progress, as soon as possible for diesel tank commissioning to win time. At present, the company employees are tank fifth ring group welding. The project is expected to be completed by the end of5tank installation, have voted with conditions. I rushed to the scene when there is a strong smell of gas, the city urban management and law enforcement, fire, police and other personnel rushed to the scene and the warning line. The investigators surprise, the explosion point below has a large diesel storage tank, explosion from the diesel tank mouth occurs. The diesel oil tank is near a hotel owner.
主站蜘蛛池模板: 固安县| 柘城县| 伊金霍洛旗| 富源县| 河间市| 西充县| 信丰县| 闸北区| 遂宁市| 林州市| 武乡县| 隆化县| 盖州市| 长武县| 冕宁县| 遵义市| 宁化县| 旬阳县| 桂林市| 东兴市| 德化县| 克什克腾旗| 红桥区| 福州市| 古交市| 永春县| 凤庆县| 阜新市| 兰西县| 特克斯县| 萨迦县| 开原市| 河东区| 荆门市| 建湖县| 鹰潭市| 麻栗坡县| 瓮安县| 周宁县| 永德县| 临沂市|