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12世紀末在西歐出現了*批風車。有些人認為,無錫風力風機制造有限公司在巴勒斯坦參加了十字軍東侵的士兵們回家時帶回了關于風車的信息。但是,西方風車的設計與敘利亞的風車迥然不同,因而它們可能是獨立發明出來的。典型的地中海風車有著圓形石塔和朝向盛行風安裝的垂直翼板。它們仍用于磨碎谷物。1862年,英國的圭貝爾發明離心風機,其葉輪、機殼為同心圓型,機殼用磚制,木制葉輪采用后向直葉片,效率僅為40%左右,主要用于礦山通風。1880年,人們設計出用于礦井排送風的蝸形機殼,和后向彎曲葉片的離心風機,結構已比較完善了。892年法國研制成橫流風機;1898年,愛爾蘭人設計出前向葉片的西羅柯式離心風機,并為各國所廣泛采用;19世紀,軸流風機已應用于礦井通風和冶金工業的鼓風,但其壓力僅為100~300帕,效率僅為15~25%,直到二十世紀40年代以后才得到較快的發展。 (圖/文
At the end of twelfth Century appeared in Western Europe in the first batch of windmill. Some people think that, in Palestine participated in the crusade of the soldiers home brought about the information. However, the Western windmill design and windmills in Syria be totally different, so they may be independently invented. Typical Mediterranean windmills with round towers and the prevailing wind is mounted for vertical wing plate. They are still used to grind corn. In 1862, Britain's Goebel invention centrifugal fan, the impeller, the casing is concentric circle type, casing with brick, wooden impeller using backward straight blades, efficiency of only about 40%, mainly used for mine ventilation. In 1880, people design for mine exhaust air scroll casing, and backward curved blade centrifugal fan, structure has a relatively perfect. 892 years of French developed into a cross-flow fan;1898, the Irish design prior to the San Siro Ke blade centrifugal fan, and used by the countries widely; nineteenth Century, axial flow fan has been applied to the mine ventilation and metallurgical industrial blast, but the pressure is only 100 ~300 kPa, efficiency is only 15~ 25%, until twentieth Century40 time later to get rapidder development.

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