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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-7-16 16:24:38  點擊:2828

arch 18th afternoon, Guangzhou petrochemical refinery four CDU decompression three line heavy wax oil pump P 2117leaks,350 degrees Celsius in air natural wax spray fire, operator found immediately after the alarm. In the evening the fire had been put out, the fire is eliminated, the accident caused no casualties. Guangzhou city emergency management office, Guangzhou municipal environmental protection departments investigated sampling monitoring, accident did not pose a threat to the surrounding environment, fire can be effectively disposed sewage. In order to ensure market supply of oil, Guangzhou petrochemical distillation device ( a ) arranged according to the maximum load, ( two) organizational distillation unit started, using intermediate stock a good two processing unit, as well as the production and marketing work. Due to the device repair caused during the production and reduce the amount of Guangdong Province, petroleum company says, they can pass the market allocation, ensuring a steady supply of finished oil in Guangzhou city.

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