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發(fā)布者:admin  發(fā)布時間:2012-7-10 16:17:24  點擊:3326

汽油是一種易揮發(fā)的液體,在常溫下燃油箱經(jīng)常充滿蒸氣,汽油罐燃料蒸發(fā)控制系統(tǒng)的作用是將蒸氣引入燃燒并防止揮發(fā)到大氣中。這個過程起重要作用的是活性碳罐貯存裝置,因為活性碳有吸附功能,當(dāng)汽車運行或熄火時,燃油箱的汽油蒸氣通過管路進入活性碳罐的上部,新鮮空氣則從活性碳罐下部進入活性碳罐。發(fā)動機熄火后,汽油蒸氣與新鮮空氣在罐內(nèi)混合并貯存在活性碳罐中,當(dāng)發(fā)動機啟動后,裝在活性碳罐與進氣歧管之間的燃油蒸發(fā)凈化裝置的電磁閥門打開,活性碳罐內(nèi)的汽油蒸氣被吸入進氣歧管參加燃燒。 采用非粘結(jié)成型活性炭專有技術(shù)。改變傳統(tǒng)用煤焦油、淀粉等傳統(tǒng)粘結(jié)劑成型的辦法。不含粘結(jié)劑成份,完全靠炭分子之間的親和力和原料本身的特殊性質(zhì)??茖W(xué)配方,制作而成,有效避免炭孔堵塞,充分發(fā)揮豐富發(fā)達炭孔的吸附功能。(圖/文
 Petrol is a volatile liquid at room temperature, the fuel tank is often full of steam, fuel evaporation control system is the role of the vapor is introduced into the combustion and to prevent the volatilization to the atmosphere. This process plays a significant role in the activated carbon canister storage device, because the active carbon adsorption function, when the vehicle is running or stopped, the fuel tank gasoline vapor through the line and into the upper portion of the activated carbon canister, fresh air from the activated carbon canister into the activated carbon canister. After flameout of engine, the gasoline vapor and fresh air in the mixture within the tank and stored in the canister, when the engine starts, mounted on the carbon canister and an intake manifold between the evaporated fuel purging device for electromagnetic valve is open, active carbon tank of gasoline vapor is sucked into the intake manifold to the combustion. Using a bond formed activated carbon technology. Change the traditional coal tar, starch and other traditional binder forming method. Containing no binder composition, completely on carbon molecular affinity between the material itself and the special properties of. Scientific formula, production, effectively avoid carbon porous plug, give full play to the rich developed pore adsorption function.

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