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Gasoline diesel fuel production technology" is based on the new higher occupation education of chemical technology specialty cultivation objectives and prepared, the focus is to improve the relevant professional students with professional knowledge analysis problem, problem-solving ability teaching. " Gasoline diesel fuel production technology" in content more complete introduction of gasoline, diesel oil refinery processes, including atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit, delayed coking unit, catalytic cracking, catalytic reforming unit and diesel hydrotreating unit and oil production and processing device process principle, process flow, main operation parameters factors, factors affecting product quality, startup, shutdown device and the typical accident case, and the current situation of oil refining industry and related technical trends made simple expansion. " Gasoline diesel fuel production technology" available for Higher Vocational College of petrochemical, refining technology, fine chemical, oil analysis, petroleum engineering, oil and gas storage and transportation professionals such as teachers and students, but also for the oil refinery operators refer to learning.

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