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發(fā)布者:admin  發(fā)布時間:2012-7-5 13:47:59  點(diǎn)擊:3928

Wind turbines hoisting on site, machinery roar, the workers shouted together into a moving hot construction main melody. On the same day, wind machine hoisting finished, ready to put into trial operation. Marks the county leading wind power project construction has entered a new stage, in 2012offered the best new year gift. Leading wind power field from China Datang Group of new energy Limited by Share Ltd to invest in the construction of autonomous region level, promote the overall development of the project, the project total investment of 870000000 yuan, total installed size99MW, two projects, the project site is located in the county town of Fuyang, the ancient city, home town of willow town. Where an installed capacity of49.5MW, to install 331500KW wind turbine, the project investment of about 440000000 yuan, the main construction contents include wind turbine, generator, transformer device, transmission lines and civil engineering. In recent years, the county to create " Guangxi electric power industrial strong county " development fixed position, develop energetically development and utilization of wind energy resources, firm catchs leading wind power projects. In 2011, the county of the leading wind power field completed investment 200000000 yuan, accounting for100% of the annual plan investment. Festival Expo "during, China Energy Conservation Association will host the annual meeting of the association and the China energy saving and low carbon development forum, play in the field of energy resources, professional advantages。

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