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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-6-29 14:14:48  點擊:2879
This batch of fan will be installed in Putian District Jianhuang wind field. This is a China's largest wind power developers Longyuan Power fan reputation. According to the pole, wind generator flooded Vestas is the largest wind turbine manufacturer, is also the first to enter the Chinese market wind machine supplier. For this, China Longyuan Power provides the megawatt wind machine specially facilities yaw standby power system plan, in order to reduce the harm of Typhoon on the fan and dangerous. Communist wind field after the completion of the project, and the electric power in the Fujian division of labor will reach or mw. According to the advanced wind power models do not have the low voltage ride-through technique, message insufficient reactive compensation, and quickly adjusting the way pattern difference problem, the Ningxia company on the one hand, enhanced has wind or technical rectification, clarify the wind power regulating authority, completed the power grid, wind power harmonious win-win situation, another the initiative promote the wind power technology for system construction, has completed a number of wind power and operation rules of admission to submit, open low voltage through research, provide technical support for wind power dispatching. The company will provide the wind power of Fujian index MW wind turbine.
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