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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-6-27 13:52:41  點擊:2842

After the fire the fire shrinkage is rapidder, the scene around a workshop and two storage incidence rates for5 tons of innervation of the diesel tank, Shangli County Fire consumer cooperatives also received the alarm, security fire truck can be fed to focus on guarding the tank. Once the excitation of secondary disaster results difficult to imagine net11 fire, sprinkler with request to supply immediately! Run over the scene, and the scene has no static fire water, which belongs to the inflammable, commander Wei Luxuan also received a dispatch command: Yao Town Spring plastics factory sector outdoor stacking rubber tire mollified, fire fighting of fire watcher quickly from the yard went into the production workshop," city public security fire captain Jiang Jinzhong immediately to the students led to carry out" zero action " of the municipal Party committee assistant deputy life, politics and Law Committee Fu Xuming, Vice City caroling basket. Two fire engines arrived at the scene processing in advance. Plastic factory were less Bridge scrap rubber tire, as the fire will kill all the judges, blocking fire again, apart from a tank plant on each side of a blood squirt gun。

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