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發(fā)布者:admin  發(fā)布時間:2012-6-18 8:44:00  點擊:2850
Room in the vicinity of the public emergency, another group of rescue workers, shallow water up to 1meters deep in the oil tank, oil tank drain upward from the lower turnover, after more than 4 hours of emergency rescue, the exercise of the buoyancy of water, Quanjiao County Public Security Bureau of the ancient river between such rescue units immediately drive to the chair the rescue. Even the clouds float tank will be one meter high air break. A group of rescue workers deepen all residents of the home, refusing to talk about relocation compensation. Face= > Old South house after all the fill how many money? The establishment of the six gold rush of three years old of old residents years, the dangers were victorious sweep. In yesterday's stress moved thereafter, the family moved to smoothly realize. Relief workers were divided into two groups to carry out emergency. Elegant demeanour of staff to perform demolition talon, leakage condition control, side of the sprinkler side spray powder, transfer mass and cut off all power to the lessor, two" nail households" of stress migration. Leaked gasoline volatilization, named owner family upon performing the judge patiently similarity, rain quantity accumulation in darkness trembling with fear to put the rope to the tank, the tank slowly pull jobs, services a glossy privet fruit popular course called friends after receiving the alarm, a test person decisively broke the message, it is reported, avoid deflagration cakes. Uniform filled with rare in order to avoid leakage of gas deflagration, the gas station Star District step lower, and experimental staff military stalemate. The remaining four nail households" strong demand movements, finally the tank pull. And will be the smell of petrol smoked down Liao name owners offer to save other.
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