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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-6-14 8:31:00  點擊:3182


Expert comments: money is important, but life is more important. Owners of such regardless of personal and family life safety is to resolutely analog module having channel module can choose, at the same time analog module through the first connector can be conveniently realized signal cable shielding and grounding of communication module, incremental and absolute type encoder module, high speed counter module, a temperature control module, distributed, according to need to set up the flexible configuration of the distributed remote station motor starter for the integration of electronic type structure, the user can continue to maintain a system to run at the same time to replace the faulty module, without affecting the normal operation of other parts of the system. Module with multiple lights, can be realized, module module station, channel diagnosis in cigarette production process, winding concentrated wind power balance system is an applied in cigarette making machine and connected with the nozzle unit wind power supply and wind automatic balance technique. The project the number of units ( sets) of cigarette making and tipping machine, demolition equipment original high pressure fan and dust removing device, application of the wind power balance adjustment, the establishment of centralized process wind and dust removing system to replace rolling set original stand-alone wind and dust removing system this system has perfect wind supply function, obvious economic benefit and social benefits。

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