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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-6-13 8:44:09  點擊:3070

Quickly dispatched three fire trucks, officers and soldiers rushed to the scene. On his way to captain Zhang Quanyou quickly mobilized the Yanlian fire brigade to the county public security bureau the leader made a report, at the same time, the mobilization of the traffic police brigade group of public security police station, Qin Jiachuan Road, and other relevant units quickly arrived at the scene of the accident, with the rescue work rescue officers and men arrived at the accident site and set up headquarters. After reconnaissance asked : leakage of oil pipeline has been broken, everywhere is leaked gasoline, filled with the pungent smell of petrol around; near a large number of residents, the west side for the train station entrances and exits the larger flow of people, on the East Side shop and Yan Lian factory, together with the National Road leads to traffic jams, most people because of curiosity around in the tank car, a mobile phone with the hanging, key chain, smoking people everywhere, the situation is very urgent, once the dangerous consequences, was commander quickly assigned to the combat command, the officers and soldiers immediately in accordance with the instructions of the battle spread, the first group in field delimit warning region, will be the scene personnel the control and evacuation. Second groups of a water gun using blossom water flow on the scene of the accident of air and surface dilution, third groups of Lee carrying non-sparking tools and plugging tools, in-depth leakage identification of leakage, the leakage. Thereupon, the danger has been effectively controlled group after receiving the report, immediately sent a foam fire truck, a water tan。

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