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發布者:admin  發布時間:2012-6-12 8:44:47  點擊:3254


Recently progress smoothly. They continuously for more than 1 months work construction, ensure the welding quality and progress, probably due to cutting sparks, meet diesel suddenly started, fanned by the wind, the fire burned more. At this time, in the three employees of the Municipal Corporation to work after the dangerous, immediately rushed to move sand and soil. Because the field of fire the culprit is diesel, and the scene of the fire from the tank is not far, if not in time to put out the fire, the fire will burn through the tank, and then fires or explosions. After about 10minutes of self-help, the fire was soon controlled, and was extinguished. When reporters arrived at the scene, the fire was completely extinguished, leaving the ground for three fire material handling tools and a pile of sand and the three firefighting method is completely correct, but also very courageous." The secret fire squadron of firefighters said, three people can be in before the fire brigade arrived, self-extinguishing, in a certain range to reduce fire danger, is called diesel tank commissioning time as soon as possible. At present, the company employees are tank fifth ring group welding. The project is expected to be completed by the end of5tank installation, have voted with conditions. In the Municipal Corporation placed a diesel tank, a tube is connected to a tank and the dispenser, don't know what the reason is, yesterday of a broken pipe, diesel is escaping from the pipe out, and in the distance, are tools for cutting of exhaust pipes.

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