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發(fā)布者:admin  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2012-6-11 10:21:36  點(diǎn)擊:3071
A building construction team nosocomial a tons of asphalt storage tank fires, Yinchuan city fire officers and soldiers hear police dispatchs, bravely minutes, success will be putting out the fire, the fire did not cause major casualties and property division, detachment of Yinchuan city fire command center refers to the alarm, the immediate mobilization of the area Helan County Fire Fighting squadron 3 fire car, officers rushed to the scene of emergency. Because of the long distance fire officers and soldiers in the15division arrived at the fire, but the whole team by the thick black smoke, the fire is burning stage, asphalt tank issued a " crackling" sound of the burning, and the burning of asphalt tank distance in metres and a5tons of asphalt tank, hospital and living simple buildings and construction equipment, if not in time to stop the spread of fire, it is bound to cause casualties, in a crisis situation! Fire commander immediately issued an order of battle: Steyr tank fire tank car at the front to occupy a favorable position quickly water gun to control the fire suppression fire; tank car in the tank on the west side of laying meters hose lines out a gun attack; soldiers wear air respirator for fire potential control with sand to cover. The orders, fire officers and soldiers fighting in quickly, fire hose bursts, raging fire demon somewhat convergent, minutes later, the fire was completely extinguished. The fire did not cause major casualties and property loss.
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